About the Center

Detonation combustion

Lines of activity


Achievements Contacts

About the Center





The Noncommercial Partnership Center of Pulse Detonation Combustion (NP “PDC Center”) was founded in May 2008 to join scientific, engineering, productive, and innovation resources of N. N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics RAS (ICP RAS), National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI) (NRNU MEPHI), Joint Institute of High Temperatures RAS (JIHT), M. A. Lavrentiev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RAS (LIH SB RAS), and of a number of other institutions and enterprises with the aim of saving and developing the priority of Russian scientific school in exploring controlled detonation combustion and creating breakthrough technological solutions in this area.

Purpose of the Center is to facilitate creation of a qualitatively new innovation product by dynamic promotion of advanced scientific ideas and enhancement of the efficiency of interaction between all the stages of their implementation from creation of a preproduction model to commercial product, namely, from basic research and pilot studies to development work and pilot factory production, including commercial activity and marketing the innovation product.

The main NP “PDC Center” founder is ICP RAS (founded in 1931) which is the national center of basic research in the area of combustion and detonation processes in gases, liquid sprays, suspensions, and condensed explosives.

The advisory committee of the “PDC Center” is headed by the ICP RAS director academician A. A. Berlin.

The scientific supervisor and the Chairman of the Scientific Council of the “PDC Center” is professor S. M. Frolov, one of the top-level specialists in the field of combustion and explosion, the head of the Combustion and Explosion Department of ICP RAS whose scientific works won a number of prestigious Russian and European prizes and awards.

About the Center Detonation combustion Lines of activity Resources Achievements Contacts

© НП «ЦЕНТР ИДГ», 119991, г. Москва, ул. Косыгина, д. 4
Тел.: +7(926)126-15-04, info@idgcenter.ru